Project Team
2 members
About Client
Ultrafood Ecommerce
20 days
Gideons know how to break down. I’m
in deep contact with his team It
always looks like a complex CRM
system including payroll and
document management – after all, it
is so his work that makes us
successful. “I can only recommend
the company.”
Project Overview:
8 Venture is an Ultrafood E-commerce website. The way in which ultafood if different from other food product is that it is a perfect mix of selected and natural superfoods. Which provides a 100% supply of vitamins, minerals and proteins. A daily ration of Ultrafood contains as many nutrients as 1.5 kg of healthy food.
Gideon’s Solution:
At Gideon’s, we have developed an interactive e-commerce website and maintenance of the website. The website was developed in a very user-friendly way being the UI/UX design. We had developed this website from scratch with complete requirement analysis and UI/UX design. As a result, our team was able to help the client launch a nicely designed, scalable, interactive and user-friendly e-commerce website.
Technologies we use

I’m a prospective police officer from Germany and had a website & programme developed by Gideons. The execution of the project was not easy. After initial conversations and short agreement, I had given the Project assignment to Gideons by trusting theme. Within a short time it was done as promised and I was really impressed about the implementation of my project. Therefore, I can personally say that Gideons is a very professional and customer friendly programmer and offers good value price-service ratio. My sincere thanks to Gideons and wish you all the best for your future career
Police Officer , Germany

Tom Rogall
Looking for a web developer in an international environment, I met Gideons team.
We have been working together for some time now and I have to say that it was absolutely the right decision to hire his company. Gideons knows how to break down complex topics into individual tasks and implement them according to plan. He always looks at the overall goal and gives valuable hints with his wealth of experience. For my company he develops a complex CRM system including payroll and document management – after all, it is also his work that makes us successful. “I can only recommend the company.”
Tom Rogall
CEO and Founder . Atris Holding, Germany